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Taipei Performing Arts Center 5G Network Transmission Empirical Project

  • Category:Smart Education


The "5th generation mobile networks (5G)" is defined by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as network infrastructure technology for realizing the interface of humans, machines and things, featuring high efficiency, low latency and massive machine-type communication. Taipei Performing Arts Center is the art and cultural center converging the energy of creativity in Taipei City. The center helps artists to integrate innovative technology by offering innovative 5G application exhibitions such as immersive experience and VR (virtual reality).
 This PoC project is a collaboration between Inventec Corporation and Taipei Performing Arts Center, holding the VR (virtual reality) experience activity in the center which is introduced with a 5G network for conducting trials. Through simple structure and convenient construction design, the performers operate the tablet PC to make orders by using a 5G signal connection, so as to experience the VR digital content of transmission without latency.