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Automatic Firewall Deployment

  • Category:Smart Government


Engineers in charge of managing computer rooms in public offices have to spend a lot of time dealing with problems related to the network, covering problem finding, setting detection, and personnel communication, etc., especially when he is engaged in assisting in sudden network-related incidents or problems. Currently, the Taipei City Government has an average of about 280 firewall applications per month, and if the application form is simple, the processing time is about 10-15 minutes; for more complex form, it takes more than 20 minutes, causing engineers to spend most of their working time processing daily fixed application jobs.


This PoC project is a collaboration between the Department of Information Technology of the Taipei City Government and International Integrated Systems, Inc.  The automatic firewall deployment mechanism can be set by allowing the firewall to automatically set up the application form if the requirements are simpler; for the more complex requirements, they are manually set by engineers to improve administrative efficiency.