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Review results announcement: 2023 Taipei Smart City’s Call for Proposals

2023 Taipei City Government’s Call for Proposals, under the guideline of “Problem setting by the government, problem solving by the industry”, invites industries to provide innovative solutions through public-private partnerships, hoping to drive industry development, realize innovation, and accelerate the development of Taipei City into a smart city. The "Taipei Smart City Call for Solutions" is now entering its 6th iteration, and the 2023 call for proposals started from January 3 to February 17, with two major categories: "Smart fields " and "Theme-based Call for Proposals on Net-zero Carbon Emissions". After confirmation of relevant documents and expert review, the results are hereby announced. 

This year’s Call for Proposals includes two categories: 12 requests in the fields of smart technology and the theme-based call for proposals on net-zero carbon emissions. A total of 15 proposals were received from 14 companies, including 12 in the smart technology category and 3 in the theme-based one. The review results of the first category of smart technology were announced on March 27, and a total of 8 proposals were selected after review, and the detailed planning and trial contract signing will begin, followed by project implementation and PoC project. The second category of the theme -based call for proposals on net-zero carbon was evaluated and reviewed by relevant business agencies and field teams, unfortunately the only proposal was failed. 

Special thanks to all the proposal vendors for their enthusiastic participation. We hope to continue to promote more innovative applications in the capital city and create win-win for both government and private entities. 

For the results of 2023 Call for Proposals and related information, Please visit the TOPICS of this website.