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Continuous Innovation, Taipei Moving Forward! "2022 Smart Taipei Innovation Awards" Finalists Announced!

The Taipei City Government encourages businesses to actively participate in innovative services and work together to propel Taipei City forward. As part of this effort, the Information Bureau has been organizing the "Smart Taipei Innovation Awards" annually to select outstanding PoC projects and provide recognition and rewards. To enhance the effectiveness of participating projects and promote engagement from various bureaus, the 2022 event was adjusted to allow each bureau to nominate and recommend excellent projects. A total of 22 projects were submitted for consideration, and after the initial review, the finalists for the second round have been announced! Congratulations to the 15 projects that made it to the final round; the list of finalists is attached.


Since 2016, the Taipei City Government has successfully facilitated numerous innovative PoC projects under the "Taipei Smart City Industry Field Experimentation Project," fostering collaborations between private enterprises and government agencies to drive innovation and accelerate Taipei City's transformation into a smart city. To encourage and acknowledge the efforts of participating companies and research institutions in developing innovative applications for Taipei, the "Smart Taipei Innovation Awards" have been held since 2020. Through the selection of outstanding PoC projects each year, awards are given to encourage and recognize the collaborative efforts.


The final review process for the "2022 Smart Taipei Innovation Awards" will take place in mid-February of this year (112). The list of winners is expected to be announced through the TPMO official website in March, and the awards ceremony will be held in May, where the winning teams will be honored and showcase their projects. Industry professionals and citizens are welcome to join the celebration.


The Taipei City Government continues to encourage participation in innovative initiatives through the "Smart Taipei Innovation Awards," attracting more cooperation from industries, academia, and research sectors. The goal is to collaborate with creative and visionary businesses and startups to build a sustainable and livable smart Taipei.