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GO SMART 2023- General Assembly Takes you Know the Opportunities and Insights into International Trends in Smart Cities

Global Organization of Smart Cities (GO SMART) holds a "General Assembly" every year during the Smart Cities Summit & Expo (SCSE) to facilitate communication among members from around the world. The goals are to unlock opportunities for cities and industries, help smart city workers find suitable partners, and promote international collaboration among smart cities. The General Assembly 2023 will be held on March 29th from 2:00 to 4:30 pm via virtual video conference and will be broadcasted simultaneously at the GO SMART Pavilion at the Smart Cities Expo to accommodate time zone differences and allow both online and in-person attendees to participate. Besides, three international smart city experts have been invited to share their practical experiences and future developments in smart cities from different countries. The meeting will provide an opportunity for domain experts, city representatives, and domestic and foreign business people to exchange ideas and insights. The event will be exciting and informative.

General Assembly 2023 will invite renowned experts in the field of smart cities for the first time, including Callysta Thony, the Product Strategist of GovTech Edu (Chair of GO SMART Award 2023), Bruno Lanvin, President, IMD’s Smart City Observatory in Switzerland, and Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador in Amsterdam. The three experts will sequentially discuss "Reorienting Smart Cities" , "Reinventing Smart Cities," and "Best & Next Practices and Lessons Learned from a Metropole on a Human Scale", leading everyone to understand the future trends in the international smart city field. In addition, new GO SMART members from Slovakia, India, and Taiwan will introduce their innovative solutions. Finally, city members Fukuoka, Japan, and Grenoble Alpes Metropole, France, will share their new business opportunities and potential needs. GO SMART is committed to breaking through urban barriers to promote smart city project cooperation, ensuring uninterrupted international connections, and accelerating global smart city development.

GO SMART was established by the Taipei City Government in 2019, with the aim of creating a global platform for smart city resources and information exchange. It brings needs and solutions together and promotes inter-city communication through the Inter-City PoC (Proof of Concept) projects, which are conducted across cities in Taiwan and abroad. As of February this year, there are 221 members worldwide. Since its establishment, GO SMART has successfully facilitated cooperation among members across spatial distances, including assisting Mitac (Taiwan's Company) in forming alliances with Redland City and Logan City in Queensland, Australia, to detect road damage and implement mosquito control plans, respectively, and finding appropriate solutions for both cities. Recently, GO SMART also helped Noodoe Inc. and Curiosity Lab in the United States to connect and start further collaboration, with Curiosity Lab adopting Noodoe's innovative charging station and a software operating system in Georgia.

GO SMART is closely linked with international members, gathering the strengths of cross-domain, cross-city, as well as public and private sectors for mutual exchange and experience sharing. We sincerely invite everyone to go online together on March 29th (Wednesday) from 14:00 to 16:30 to participate in, and seize the opportunity.